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Vowel Sounds Worksheets - I Spy

Lauren WCreated by LaurenCreated by Lauren


Year levels


Resource Type


These simple phonics worksheets allow students to show their knowledge of long and short vowel sounds. Children search the pictures on each page and identify the ones that contain the focus sound. A challenge question allows them to practise writing words with each vowel sound.

This task helps to develop phonics skills in a format that your students will find fun and engaging! There are 10 worksheets in this pack, one for each short and long vowel sound. Use this resource before you begin teaching to assess prior knowledge, as a literacy small group or 'Fast Finisher' task to practise and consolidate skills, or to determine understanding after teaching as an 'Exit Ticket' style assessment.

These print & go worksheets are large enough to be printed 2 to a page if you'd like to save paper. This is a versatile resource! Use the pages with pencils/markers, bingo dabbers or highlighters. Pop them in plastic pockets to use with whiteboard markers, or print to coloured paper and use counters to cover the pictures.

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Curriculum alignment details

This resource is intended for the following use:


 Australian Curriculum

Content Descriptors:

AC9E1LY09: Segment words into separate phonemes (sounds) including consonant blends or clusters at the beginnings and ends of words (phonological awareness)ACELA1439: Recognise and generate rhyming words​,​ alliteration patterns​,​ syllables and sounds (phonemes) in spoken words

Further context or application:

Not specified


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