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Our Mission

We want to make it easy to discover, buy and sell high-quality Australian primary teaching resources.

Teachers traveling the Great Ocean Road

How It All Started

Frustrated by the endless search for suitable resources, a group of Australian teachers dreamt of a better way. That's how TeachBuySell was born - a marketplace dedicated to high-quality, Australian-focused educational tools. Our mission was simple: create an easy-to-use platform where teachers could find exactly what they needed, quickly and effortlessly.

Fairness for Creators

We knew the struggles of resource creators too, seeking fair recognition and rewards without hefty fees. TeachBuySell is our answer - a fair, equitable platform where creators can share their resources and receive the value they deserve.

Leveraging Technology to Empower Educators

Leveraging our background in technology, we're continually crafting a user-friendly marketplace. It's a place where buying, selling, and finding resources is streamlined to be as stress-free and quick as possible!

Powered by Community

Our platform is built on the feedback and needs of our community of educators and creators. We're not just about adding features; we're about adding value. Each update reflects real user needs, ensuring a meaningful and practical experience.

Giving Back Together

Uniquely, our community's involvement extends beyond the platform. A portion of our sales revenue is dedicated to supporting local educational causes each month. This initiative is powered by our community, making TeachBuySell more than just a marketplace; it's a movement towards enriching education across Australia.

TeachBuySell is where educators and creators unite to make a tangible difference, not just in classrooms, but in the broader educational landscape of Australia.