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R- Controlled Bundle (or​,​ ar​,​ er​,​ ir and ur) Explicit PowerPoints.

Meg CCreated by MegCreated by Meg

Resources in this bundle (5)


Year levels


Resource Type


This PowerPoint includes 5 PowerPoints to teach:

  • or representing the /or/ sound as in fort.
  • ar representing the /ar/ sound as in barn.
  • er representing the /er/ sound as in herb.
  • ir representing the /er/ sound as in bird.
  • ur representing the /er/ sound as in surf.

The /or/ animated PowerPoint includes:

- An introduction to R- Controlled or, representing the /or/ sound.

- A child friendly Learning Intention.

- /or/ flashcards.

- Can you see the R- Controlled vowel/ syllable type or hiding behind each torch? A yes or no Game.

- Does the picture have the /or/ sound? Yes or No game.

- Help the squirrel to sort the acorns into the correct barrels. If it has the R- Controlled or it goes in the yes barrel. If it doesn't, it goes in the no barrel.

- The tornado sucks up words with the /or/ sound. Click on the or words and watch them get sucked up!

- Help Mork the stork collect the or words. Click on them and they will go in his little sack.

- Honk the horn if the word has the R- Controlled or.

- Click on the or words to light them up with the torch.

- Say and segment the word. Decide if the /or/ sound is at the beginning, in the middle or at the end of each word.

- Help the prince find his way to the fort by reading the or words (Fluency).

- Read the or words that fall in the storm.

- Decodable flashcards with the /or/ sound.

- Decodable Sentences.

- Find the picture that best matches the sentence (Comprehension).

- Word grid (Fluency).

- Formation of ar (animated in all state fonts).

The /ar/ animated PowerPoint includes:

- An introduction to R- Controlled ar, representing the /ar/ sound.

- A child friendly Learning Intention.

- /ar/ flashcards.

- Can you see the R- Controlled vowel/ syllable type ar hiding behind each tart? A yes or no Game.

- Does the picture have the /ar/ sound? Yes or No game.

- The farmyard barn sorting game where you look at the sounds and if you see the /ar/ sound, it belongs in the yes barn and if you see a different sound than /ar/ it belongs in the no barn.

- Put the jars in the shopping cart if they have the /ar/ sound on them.

- Help Garth the cat find and decode the balls of yarn that have the /ar/ sound on them.

- Read the nonsense words on he shooting stars as they shoot across the night sky.

- Decodable Word Flashcards.

- Say and segment the word. Decide if the /ar/ sound is at the beginning, in the middle or at the end of each word.

- Look at the playing card. Sort the words into the correct piles. Yes for an /ar/ word and no for a word that does not have the /ar/ sound.

- Find the /ar/ words hiding around the garden in the park.

- Click on the ar words to feed the hungry shark.

- Decodable flashcards with the /ar/ sound.

- Decodable Sentences.

- Help the artist start her painting by reading the ar words along the track (Fluency).

- Find the picture that best matches the sentence (Comprehension).

- Word grid (Fluency).

- Formation of ar (animated in all state fonts).

The 'er representing the /er/ sound animated PowerPoint includes:

- An introduction to R- Controlled er, representing the /er/ sound.

- A child friendly Learning Intention.

- er representing the /er/ sound flashcards.

- Can you see the R- Controlled vowel/ syllable type er hiding behind the germs? A yes or no Game.

- Does the picture have the /er/ sound? Yes or No game.

- Herd the cows into the pen if they have er.

- Put the jars in the shopping cart if they have the /ar/ sound on them.

- The hermit crab needs a new shell. Can you find the perfect shell by finding the shell with the /er/ sound.

- Spray the nonsense word if it has the germ has er on it.

- Can you find the person with the /er/ sound on their jumper?

- Decode the words on the birds that are perched. Which word/ words have the /er/ sound?

- Which herbs should Gertrude use? Find the words with the R- Controlled er.

- Help the mermaid read the words.

- Decodable Word Flashcards.

- Read the er words with the expert.

- Decodable flashcards with the /er/ sound.

- Decodable Sentences.

- Formation of er (animated in all state fonts).

The 'ur representing the /er/ sound animated PowerPoint includes:

- An introduction to R- Controlled ur, representing the /er/ sound.

- A child friendly Learning Intention.

- ur saying /er/ flashcards.

- Can you see the R- Controlled vowel/ syllable type ur hiding behind the yoghurt tubs? A yes or no Game.

- Does the picture have the /er/ sound? Yes or No game.

- Curt is hurt. Read the words on the Band- Aids and help him find all of the ur words.

- Which wave should Burt surf? Pick the word with ur.

- Decodable Word Flashcards.

- Burst the balloons if they do not have ur.

- Help the nurse read the words around the hospital.

- Help Burt and Curt take it in turns to read the ur words that appear.

- Help the farmer collect her turnips by reading the ur words. (Fluency)

- Decodable flashcards with the /er/ sound.

- Decodable Sentences.

- Formation of ur (animated in all state fonts).

The 'ir representing the /er/ sound animated PowerPoint includes:

- An introduction to R- Controlled ir, representing the /er/ sound.

- A child friendly Learning Intention.

- ir saying /er/ flashcards.

- Can you see the R- Controlled vowel/ syllable type ir hiding behind the iceream swirls? A yes or no Game.

- Does the picture have ir making the /er/ sound? Yes or No game.

- Quench Beth's thirst by finding the cups with the R- Controlled ir.

- Help the witch find the ir word (3 words shown). Stir, stir, stir- watch the word get stirred around and around the pot!

-Squirt! Read the words as they squirt from the hose.

- Help the girl hang the skirts if they have ir making the /er/ sound.

- Welcome to Circus ir. Read the nonsense words on the animals in the circus.

- Decodable Word Flashcards.

- Decodable flashcards with the /er/ sound.

- Decodable Sentences.

- Formation of ir (animated in all state fonts).

It is available in 6 fonts:

· Tas

· Vic Cursive

· Sassoon



· SA

The decodable sentences included could also be used as dictation- where the teacher asks the students to write a sentence one word at a time, to assess learning to see if students are applying this spelling rule at the completion of the spelling session or at the end of the week.

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Meg Clark (@Preppingforprep)

Curriculum alignment details

This resource is intended for the following use:


 Australian Curriculum

Content Descriptors:

Not specified

Further context or application:

Not specified


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