How do we go home? - Editable End of Day Resource for Foundation Teachers
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Would you like to remove the stress from your end of day dismissal routines? End of day can feel hectic during the back to school period when dismissal routines are being established. How do we go home editable dismissal resource has everything you, and your students, need to build safe dismissal routines and finish the day calmly and safely. Consisting of bag tags, wristbands, posters, a range of teacher checklists and a digital powerpoint, this editable resource contains every teacher MUST HAVE! These resources are also life savers for relief/casual teachers who are covering your class.
⭐What is included in this resource?
In this resource you will find 8 separate dismissal resources. Each of these resources comes in a colour and a B& W version. All of the resources are also editable. Please check out the preview for detailed descriptions and a closer look at what is included in this how we go home dismissal resource.
✏️Student Bag Tags - Colour and B&W. Text is editable.
✏️Student Wrist Bands - Colour and B&W. Text is editable
✏️How do we go home dismissal powerpoint - Edit by adding student names and photographs. Various versions have been included as well as a stay at school after care slide.
✏️ Teacher Transport Mode Key ring lists - teachers need transport dismissal lists that are portable and can be easily carried. These are created for adding to a keyring. Problem solve where a student should be immediately and one the spot!
✏️Teacher Trasnsport Mode Photo Key ring templates - Perfect for when your class has a specialist teacher or a casual/relief teacher. This is when student photos rather than names, become important.
✏️ Single Page Teacher Checklist - perfect for putting in with your CRT plans, this checklist allows you to see in a quick glance where your students should be going.
✏️ Mon-Fri Teacher Transport Checklists - sometimes dismissal routines can get complicated. Do you often have kids heading off in different directions on different days of the week. This resource has your covered. With editable text, and pages for each transport mode, you can simply tick the boxes for each day so Monday and Tuesday walking, Wednesday in after school care and Thursday and Friday going home in a car is hassle free.
✏️How do we go home Dismissal Classroom Posters - Large circle posters (1 transport mode per A4 page) with editable text has been included. Cut these out and display in your classroom. I like to laminate for durability and attach pegs with student names to the circle. This way I can quickly and easily make student adjustments to dismissal routines as needed.
⭐BONUS Colour match all your dismissal resource to make spotting dismissal mode easier.
To make identification of where students should be even FASTER, I suggest you colour match all the dismissal transport modes for eg yellow for buses, green for cars, pink for bike riders.
To colour match the dismissal transport mode you select the B&W option for each resource. Then simply photocopy your B&W printed resource onto bright coloured paper. You can use primary colour paper, some teachers like to use neon Brights paper. This is also a great way to save coloured ink in the printer. Check out the preview to see an example of this.
⭐My school has a huge range of buses and transport modes for kids. Will your resource suit my needs?
I have worked in special schools and mainstream schools. I have had students leave on buses, with carers, in taxis, leave with older siblings - a whole range of different dismissal routines!! This resource has been designed to ensure that this will work for you regardless of where you and your students are. All of the text is editable which means you can change it to whatever you need it to say next to the picture. If your school has 10 different bus options then simply duplicate the bus tags 10 times and type a different number in each bus text box.
⭐Our littlest learners can't read their own names yet!
Each resource contains clear, kid friendly visuals for each dismissal mode so being able to read is not a requirement. As well as providing list templates I have also included boxes for you to upload your student photos into. This way students can see themselves on the keyring lists and in the Dismissal Powerpoint.
How do you suggest I use this resource?
I suggest you do the following. Compile on the A4 class list where all your students will be going. Next edit the Powerpoint presentation so you can beging showing this to your students on an interactive white board, or ipads, from the start of the school year. I would edit and print out student bag tags and attach them to each bag with a safety pin. In addition I would also print wristbands for the first couple of weeks for school so students have a clear, visual that adults can refer to if they get lost. Display the classroom posters up in your classroom and put your whole class list in with your sub plans. Print off all the keyring transport lists and remember to take them out with you during dismissal time. Finally compile all that information parents provide you with about where their kids go on which day and complete the Mon-Fri dismissal checklists for the term.
Any questions, please ask prior to purchase.
How to edit this file
This file is a zip file. You will need to extract the files when you download your purchase. You will have 8 files. To use your resources you will open each file and save a copy to your computer. When you open each file you will click in the formatted text boxes where example text has been placed. Click and drag the mouse over the text. You can then delete this text and add your own. Change the font to one installed on your computer.
Editable means that you will be able to change the text which has been included. On some of the resources you will also be able to add photographs. Editable does not mean you can edit the clipart due to copyright laws.
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Do you need tech support?
This resource has been created in Powerpoint. Make sure that you have the most recent version of Powerpoint to avoid compatability issues.
How do we go home Dismissal resource is a zip file. Please make sure you have unzipped the folder and viewed each file. To unzip the folder you will need to right click on the folder and select 'unzip'. If you cannot locate your files make sure to check the downloads folder on your computer.
Terms of Use Copyright © Monday Morning Resources, 2023. All rights reserved by author. This product is to be used by the original downloader only. Copying for more than one teacher, classroom, department, school, or school system is prohibited. During the COVID-19 pandemic this product may be distributed or displayed digitally for your class students and their families. Failure to comply is a copyright infringement and a violation of the Digital Millennium Copyright Act (DMCA). Clipart and elements found in this PDF are copyrighted and cannot be extracted and used outside of this file without permission or license. Intended for classroom and personal use ONLY.
- File types1 Zip file
- Page count215
- Curriculum alignment
- Key themes
Curriculum alignment details
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Australian CurriculumContent Descriptors:
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How do we go home? - Editable End of Day Resource for Foundation Teachers
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