CVVC Game - TIC TAC TOE - 8 Boards/96 Letter Tiles - PHONEMIC DEVELOPMENT
When you add this game to your teaching repertoire you are adding fun and repetition with high engagement. It targets phonemic awareness with the focus on the onset/rime combination. It is ready for consolidation or differentiation through group work with:
- 8 Game Boards
- 96 Letter Tiles
- Directions for play
- Word Bank for CVVC Words by Onset
- Word Bank for CVVC Words by Rime
- Screener to identify skills
- Class Overview to collate results from screener and identify ability groups to facilitate differentiation
The game format is similar to the traditional Tic Tac Toe game with students needing to blend onsets and rimes to play. The rime is on the board and the letter tiles have the single consonant onsets (see PREVIEW). Blending the onset and rime contributes to phonemic skill development and is particularly important for those students who are still developing their awareness of sounds. I teach the maxim "When two vowels go walking the first does the talking" because, as a general rule it does. The exceptions can be learnt separately as part of other word families, e.g., "hair" can be included in Bossy R games.
Including this activity into your literacy groups will provide proactive in-class intervention simultaneously with consolidation for all students.
Mastery of these foundation sounds comes through repetition and the game format provides the motivation for students to play over and over without getting bored. The WORD BANKS can be used by a group leader for explicit teaching, such as: "You picked up a 'buh'. (Putting it in front of each rime) Is 'beal' a word? Is 'bain' a word? How many other words can you make? (going around the board) Yes, No, Yes." Alternatively, you can prompt with the rime, "You have 'ain' to win. What letter would you need in front of that to make a word?" There are blank spaces on the Word Banks for you to add words (such as students' or local names) or any words I've missed.
I have added the screener to use for targeted teaching for those students who will fall behind without it. Phonic skill deficits can be cumulative and costly to correct if not addressed early. Simply put the tags on to a ring so the student can flip through the rimes quickly. Adding this game to Reading Groups and ensuring targeted skill deficits are addressed will be worth it in the long run. The Rime Distribution List I have provided will tell you which boards contain which rimes for easy targeting.
- File types1 PDF
- Curriculum alignment
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CVVC Game - TIC TAC TOE - 8 Boards/96 Letter Tiles - PHONEMIC DEVELOPMENT
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