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CVC Snakes & Ladders Game.

Polly JCreated by PollyCreated by Polly


Year levels

Resource Type


Classic game fun for supporting your students with learning to decode and read CVC words.

NO PREP, simply print and go.

Mixed and single vowel CVC word games included.

Great for independent, small group and morning work activities. Your students will love it!

Fun and engaging. Suitable for K-2.

What's included

8 pages of CVC word games - short vowel word families and mixed vowel games.

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Curriculum alignment details

This resource is intended for the following use:


 Australian Curriculum

Content Descriptors:

AC9EFLY10: Segment sentences into individual words; orally blend and segment single-syllable spoken words; isolate​,​ blend and manipulate phonemes in single-syllable words (phonological awareness)AC9EFLY11: Recognise and name all upper- and lower-case letters (graphs) and know the most common sound that each letter representsAC9EFLY09: Recognise and generate rhyming words​,​ alliteration patterns​,​ syllables and sounds (phonemes) in spoken words (phonological awareness)AC9EFLY04: Read decodable and authentic texts using developing phonic knowledge​,​ and monitor meaning using context and emerging grammatical knowledge

Further context or application:

Not specified


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