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CVC MATCH - 28 Card Pairs for each short vowel + 5 CVC POSTERS

Robyn WCreated by RobynCreated by Robyn



CVC MATCH has 28 card pairs for each short vowel, one word card and one picture card for matching. The target skill is decoding with phonemic awareness sub-skills. There are five CVC Posters which can be used for scaffolding and visual display.

The words used in CVC MATCH are:

Short a: cat, rat, mat, bat, fat, hat, pat, sat, pan, man, can, fan, ran, van, pad, dad, mad, sad, bag, rag, tag, wag, tap, cap, cab, lab, jab, dab

Short e (+terminal ll): vet, pet, wet, set, get, jet, met, net, den, hen, men, ten, peg, leg, beg, keg, bed, red, fed, wed, hem, gem, yes, bell, fell, well, sell, tell

Short i: bit, pop, lit kit, fit, sit, pin, bin, din, hip, pig, fig, big, wig, dip, rip, pit, lip, nip, zip, him, dim, rim, fin, win, six, mix, fix

Short o: bob, rob, cob, job, mob, sob, top, cop, mop, hop, pop, fog, dog, log, hog, jog, rod, nod, pot, rot, got, hot, box, fox, bog, dot, mom, cot

Short u: cut, pup, cup, hut, nut, run, gun, bun, fun, jug, bug, mug, hug, pug, dug, rug, tug, sun, sum, mum, gum, hum, bud, mud, dud, rub, tub, cub

The pictures used in CVC MATCH may not be the same as on the POSTER. This is purposeful, with the learner decoding the word, rather than memorising the picture.


Curriculum alignment details

This resource is intended for the following use:


 Australian Curriculum

Content Descriptors:

Not specified

Further context or application:

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