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Reading Strategies Posters

Visual Vibe CCreated by Visual VibeCreated by Visual Vibe



Reading strategies enable our students to comprehend a text in a variety of ways and develop a deeper understanding of how texts are constructed. They use these strategies to express what they have just read, make connections, draw conclusions and further engage with a text.

These posters can be used to display the learning focus for a lesson, unit or student goal. Created to match my Geometric Design theme, they are also an interesting way to display reading strategies in your classroom.

What's Included:

  • British and American Spelling
  • Two different Reading Strategy Designs
  • 10 Different Reading Strategies.

Reading Strategies Include:

  • Visualising/Visualizing
  • Questioning
  • Adjusting
  • Summarising/Summarizing
  • Inferring
  • Predicting
  • Synthesising/Synthesizing
  • Connecting
  • Analysing/Analyzing
  • Critiquing


  • File types1 PowerPoint Presentation
  • Page count31 pages

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