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Magic e Activities and Games for Phonemic Development - SORT IT​,​ DONKEY​,​ CONNECT + Posters

Robyn WCreated by RobynCreated by Robyn


Year levels


These activities and games target all ability levels and will ensure progress when you introduce the 'Magic e' letter pattern. SORT IT Cards focus on phonemic skills with 45 Magic e words in four formats:

  • Picture and Word
  • Picture and Word with missing first vowel
  • Picture Only
  • Word Only

I developed this product when I had students who needed more support to see a letter pattern and produce the appropriate sounds. The introduction of long vowel sounds associated with the Magic e letter pattern is an important step in reading progress. Games and activities like this will facilitate mastery of this step.

The Words I have used are:

cane, cape, mane, rake, pane, cake, cage, race, gate, bike, bite, dive, hide, mice, pile, nine, five, time, bone, cone, dome, robe, vote, nose, rope, hole, hose, cube, tube, mule, cute, huge, dune, tune, June, duke, braces, grapes, snake, frame, slide, glide, choke, smoke, flute

I have included my four Magic e Posters as well as two games:

CONNECT: There are eight sets, graduated in difficulty making it ideal for all ability levels. Each set has 10 boards and 25 illustrated cards as well as 25 flashcards. Combine two or three sets to cater for 20 or 30 players with 50 or 75 cards to call. This is a great consolidating activity for the whole class and the illustrated cards double up as intervention prior to playing.


Set 1: bike, bone, cake, cape, cube, dune, here, home, June, like, made, make, mine, name, note, pole, rope, rude, side, sole, size, take, time, vine, vote

Set 2: bake, bite, cane, cave, dame, dive, face, game, gaze, hate, hike, hive, kale, lame, life, male, mute, pale, pave, pipe, rate, robe, safe, tile, tune

Set 3: bale, came, code, date, dome, five, fine, gate, haze, hole, jade, kite, lane, lime, mice, mike, mime, mole, pile, poke, race, ripe, sale, same, tone

Set 4: base, cute, daze. fade, gave, hide, hope, hose, joke, lake, late, laze, line, mane, mile, mine, nice, pane, pine, rake, ride, save, tame, wine, wire

Set 5: cage, cane, cove, dice, dine, doze, duke, take, file, gale, huge, lace, lure, lute, mate, mule, nose, page, pose, rise, rose, vane, wipe, wave, woke

Set 6: brake, bribe, bride, chime, choke, crate, crime, drake, drone, flake, flame, frame, glide, grape, pride, prize, prune, scale, shame, skate, snake, stake, swipe, these, those

Set 7: broke, chase, chose, crane, globe, grave, place, plate, shake, shape, shave, shine, slide, slope, smile, smoke, space, spade, spike, stage, stone, stove, tribe, trike, twice

Set 8: age, ape, ate, bathe, blue, change, clue, due, glue, haste, ice, owe, paste, range, scrape, scribe, strange, stride, strife, strike, stripe, stroke, taste

DONKEY: This is card game for small groups. It targets rhyme.


mane/crane, dive/five, face/lace, cage/page/wage/rage, bake/cake/lake/make, bale/sale, game/tame, cape/tape, mate/rate/ cave/pave, dice/mice, tide/ride, hike/like, smile/pile, mime/chime/time/lime, dine/vine, wire/fire, smoke/poke, zone/cone, note/vote, tube/cube, tune/ldune, cute/mute


Curriculum alignment details

This resource is intended for the following use:


 Australian Curriculum

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