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Bossy r says 'er' - STACK 4 Worksheet​/​Game - 50 Words + Flash Cards

Robyn WCreated by RobynCreated by Robyn


Year levels


Resource Type


When you need to consolidate or review, and want to add a bit of fun to the mix, try Stack 4's. I call them a worksheet/game because they can be used like a worksheet, using a pencil or pen, or you can substitute with counter, buttons or small objects to claim a space. This way you use the worksheet over and over again. The game aspect adds the fun. The target skill is fluency and recognising the 'r' blend for accurate decoding.

You need one worksheet, two players and a six-sided die. The game is never the same twice because play is decided on the throw of the die.

There are 50 words and Flash Cards are included if you need them.

The words I have used are:

germ, world, curve, girl, squirt, first, herd, third, work, perch, learn, circus, thirsty purse, burn, slurp, burp, fern, swerve, word, worm, pearl, chirp, shirt, early, jerk, church, earn, search, skirt, purple, serve, birthday, were, thirty, stir, dirty, curtain, swirl, curse, nurse, worse, merge, turtle, worth, turkey, heard, curly, nerve, hurt


Curriculum alignment details

This resource is intended for the following use:


 Australian Curriculum

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