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S Blends Game to Improve Fluency - STACK 4 Worksheet​/​Game - 50 S Blends with short vowels

Robyn WCreated by RobynCreated by Robyn


Year levels


Resource Type


Stack 4's are an easy way to consolidate beginning 's' blends with short vowels. The 50 decodable words are:

skip, sled, snug, spell, smell, sniff, stop, spill, snap, step, slip,s till, stiff, sped, stuff, swig, skin, span, slap, snag, slid, slop, slug, stab, smog, sug, spot, spun, spit, spin, spell, scab, slam, scuff, scam, scan, skid, swell, slot, swag, swam, spit, slog, slit, slat, slum, slab, skull, scum, swim

You need two players and a six-sided die. I call it a worksheet/game because it can be used like a worksheet with players using pencils to cross off the words they win, or you can reuse it if you use small objects like discs. The game is always different because of the throw of the die, so players can use their worksheet over and over that way.

Alternatively, you can laminate and put it in a centre and use wipe-off crayons. Any way you use it, it is sure to be a fun way to gain fluency. The Flash Cards are included for flexibility and to make it an all-ability game if you have the need.


Curriculum alignment details

This resource is intended for the following use:


 Australian Curriculum

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