Triple Consonant Blends Game - STACK 4 Beginning, Terminal & Mixed CCC - 3 Boards/50 Flash Cards
Blending triple consonants SCR, SHR, SPL, SPR, STR, NCH, NTH, TCH, THR, DTH, XTH is a necessary skill when learning to decode. Some will pick it up quickly, others will need more time, but with a game, students of all abilities will be having fun and improving fluency levels at their own individual rate.
The words I have used are:
Beginning CCC: throb, scrub, splat, strip, strike, stream, shrug, stripe, strum, scrap, scram, stroke, sprint, thrush, shrub, spring, sprung, strict, sprite, splash, stretch, string, through, shriek, split, scrunch, scratch, strive, scream, shrimp, scrape, strung, street, scribe, script, shrill, shrunk, stray, throw, scribble, three, throng, sprang, screech, struggle, shrink, throne, throat, sprig, spray
Terminal CCC: trench, crunch, drench, mulch, stench, sixth, tenth, eleventh, eighth, ninth, match, hatch, witch, inch, stitch, lunch, ranch, munch, brunch, branch, punch, French, Dutch, pinch, clench, twelfth, launch, switch, quench, hunch, snitch, clutch, batch, catch, snatch, bunch, seventh, finch, width, flinch, pitch, hitch, latch, patch, fetch, crutch, winch, fifth, bench, flinch
Mixed CCC: throb, scrub, splat, strip, strike, stream, shrug stripe, strum, scrap, scram, bench, sprint, flinch, tenth, sixth, spring, stench, branch, brunch, stretch, switch, thrust, splash, split, crutch, match, splint, quench, stitch, scrunch, string, stretch, scratch, script, shrill, shrunk, shrank, shrink, catch, snitch, latch, sprang, batch, clench, strung, hitch, fetch, stress, crunch
There are 50 Flash Cards for each game and each has a discreet labelling system to distinguish them as the games are not interchangeable.
- File types1 PDF
- Page count18 pages
- Curriculum alignment
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Triple Consonant Blends Game - STACK 4 Beginning, Terminal & Mixed CCC - 3 Boards/50 Flash Cards
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