Prefix PRE meaning 'before' - STACK 4 Game - 1 Board/50 Words + Flash Cards - MORPHOLOGY/FLUENCY
Include this game when you introduce the prefix 'pre' and you will see motivation and high engagement. I call it a worksheet/game because you can use it as a worksheet over and over again and the game will be different each time. You need two players per game, pencils and a six-sided die. It's the die that adds the excitement. The more they play, the more fluent and knowledgeable they will become.
I have included Flash Cards because I find them very useful for those students who need more support in syllabication and vocabulary development.
The words I have used are:
precaution, preview, predict, prepare, preheat, precede, prejudice, preface, prehistoric, prearranged, precast, prefix, predetermine, prevent, premonition, preclude, precedent, predominant, premix, prescribe, prescription, preschool, predecessor, prepaid, premeditated, preselect, predate, predigest, prediction, predisposed, prefabricate, preference, prefer, preliminary, premature, preload, prenup, prepay, preserve, prenatal, presuppose, precooked, presumption, predawn, presume, pretext, prewar, prewash, prejudge, prerecorded
- File types1 PDF
- Page count6 pages
- Curriculum alignment
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Prefix PRE meaning 'before' - STACK 4 Game - 1 Board/50 Words + Flash Cards - MORPHOLOGY/FLUENCY
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