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AL​,​ EL​,​ LE ENDINGS - STACK 4 Game - 4 Boards​/​200 Flash Cards to Target the Confusion with FUN

Robyn WCreated by RobynCreated by Robyn


Year levels


Resource Type


This game targets the confusion between words that end with 'le', 'al' or 'el'. It is lots of fun and can be played over and over because the throw of the die will determine what happens next. Each player will be trying to win and the benefit of reading the words is the target skill. No matter how often it is played, it is never the same. The fun leads to high engagement and repetition, the key to improved reading and spelling.

The Flash Cards are included because I find them useful for intervention, but they could also be used in small groups, classifying endings according to spelling pattern.

I have avoided any obvious clashes between UK/US spelling, but please check the lists to ensure that each board is appropriate for your circumstances:

Board 1 - le: cradle, handle, gentle, candle, people, crackle, circle, poodle, tangle, settle, battle, struggle, muddle, puddle, bottle, sprinkle, tumble, startle, fiddle, drizzle, jungle, single, little, rattle, raffle, marble, needle, dazzle, humble, jumble, saddle, puzzle, buckle, bundle, giggle, crumble, dribble, trickle, bubble, shuffle, prickle, sparkle, tremble, purple, smuggle, example, miracle, couple, double, trouble

Board 2 - al: total, final, medal, coral, scandal, local, sandal, equal, normal, mental, mammal, postal, mortal, tropical, arrival, classical, comical, musical, magical, physical, vocal, radical, portal, metal, tribal, global, dental, bridal, typical, rascal, fatal, legal, regal, penal, naval, petal, capital, vital, vocal, pedal, tidal, jackal, brutal, rental, crystal, medical, coastal, vertical, horizontal, hospital

Board 3 - el: pastel, lapel, model, camel, label, hazel, gravel, panel, level, tinsel, novel, unravel, yodel, grovel, drivel, weasel, kennel, shovel, hovel, funnel, scoundrel, swivel, gospel, marvel, travel, chapel, hostel, hotel, snorkel, channel, tunnel, angel, barrel, easel, rebel, pixel, expel, snivel, propel, parcel, vessel, cruel, kernel, satchel, shrivel, shrapnel, squirrel, mackerel, motel, diesel

Board 4 - Mixed: animal, example, people, final, camel, natural, channel, label, couple, middle, model, pedal, parcel, easel, feral, battle, rebel, apple, simple, recycle, mineral, meal, funnel, metal, formal, handle, panel, table, level, gravel, general, fiddle, kennel, capital, navel, festival, travel, personal, tunnel, castle, jungle, central, uncle, signal, hotel, decimal, single, angel, triangle, shovel


Curriculum alignment details

This resource is intended for the following use:


 Australian Curriculum

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