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Hard c​/​Soft c Game - STACK 4 - 1 Board​/​50 Words for Consolidation or Review

Robyn WCreated by RobynCreated by Robyn


Year levels


Resource Type


Play STACK 4 as a whole class with a six-sided die, pencils and two players. It is worksheet that doubles as a game and it can be played over and over because the throw of the die will make it a different game every time.

The words I have used are:

race, code, cube, cape, ace, ice, cat, case, face, came, brace, slice, city, scope, come, cease, icy, clam, crash, trace, space, twice, place, price, close, prince, trance, cycle, circus, circle, cereal, sentence, force, recipe, concern, concert, concentrate, calculate, cylinder, acid, tonic, panic, juice, tactic, frantic, accident, innocent, piece, scenery, peace


Curriculum alignment details

This resource is intended for the following use:


 Australian Curriculum

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