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Reindeer Informational Text Prompts Planners and Rubrics

Paula SCreated by PaulaCreated by Paula


Year levels


Resource Type


Reindeer Informational Prompts Planners and Rubrics - This pack provides information about reindeer. This information will assist in the writing of your Informational Text; guided by a rubric.

KWHL - for Reindeer

  • There are color, plus black/white versions and a one page version
  • To assess what your grade already knows and to assist in writing the Informational Text, use the KWHL. This approach allows you to identify prior knowledge, determine what students want to learn and guide their learning process effectively.
  • This is what we know about…
  • This is what we want to know …
  • This is how we will find out what we want to know……
  • This is our new learning about ….


  • Colour and black/white versions provided
  • Spare tags for extra words
  • Display these words and discuss what they mean


  • Use these cards as discussion starters or to display facts about reindeer and discuss their meaning.
  • Start the Informational Text with these facts to help build the paragraphs.


  • Use these photos to assist in writing the text. Print them and display them around the finished Informational Text.


  • Record the main ideas and supporting information from this text. For the second task, paraphrase the text.


  • Use the photos provided in the photo section to assist in writing the text
  • Print off and display around the finished Informational Text
  • The rubrics are helpful in assessing the text
  • A map of the world is provided to plot where the reindeer live
  • A planner includes an example of the Informational Text
  • There are a variety of papers and planners provided

Enjoy our Reindeer Informational Prompts Planners and Rubrics


COPYRIGHT ©Paula’s Place

This product is for personal use in one classroom only. To share or use in multiple classrooms, please purchase additional licenses. You may not share or distribute this product without the author's consent.


Curriculum alignment details

This resource is intended for the following use:


 Australian Curriculum

Content Descriptors:

Not specified

Further context or application:

Not specified


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