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CCVCC Card Game - GO FISH - 3 Sets (50 Cards per set) Designed for DIFFERENTIATION

Robyn WCreated by RobynCreated by Robyn


Year levels

Resource Type


Target CCVCC words with this highly motivating game that is designed for all abilities. There are three sets with 50 cards in each set (25 pairs). One card in each pair is illustrated making the game perfect for intervention prior to playing. The more students play, the more individual fluency levels will improve.

The words I have used are:

Set 1: press, blend, think, chomp, clump, stand, fresh, stink, spend, flick, blond, trunk, flash, stick, spill, gloss, drink, swell, plank, swing, thing, stack, flush, sniff, grand

Set 2: crash, dress, print, clock, blush, drank, spell, brick, frost, brush, blank, chest, stiff, smock, crust, smash, bless, sting, floss, stuck, thank, shell, thick, cliff, stuff

Set 3: trash, crisp, prank, crush, flock, grump, skill, blink, froth, plant, champ, smack, swift, twist, cramp, clamp, clink, shock, block, stomp, chimp, speck, skunk, drift, bring


Curriculum alignment details

This resource is intended for the following use:


 Australian Curriculum

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