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Getting to know you question cards

Sarah GCreated by SarahCreated by Sarah



Getting ready for the start of the year? Wanting to build relationships between your students but want to go deeper than 'what is your favourite...?'. These cards can help!

20 different questions to help get your students talking to each other, engaging in conversation and learning more about their classmates than just what's on the surface. Questions are across a range of topics including personal motivations, learning preferences, and emotions. They encourage students to dig a little deeper by describing and explaining their answers.

Building a strong classroom community is so important, it sets up your class atmosphere for positive interactions and learning experiences. Connected students are successful learners.

These cards come in two sizes for easy printing. Can be used in partners, small groups or as a whole class activity.


Curriculum alignment details

This resource is intended for the following use:


 Australian Curriculum

Content Descriptors:

Not specified

Further context or application:

Not specified


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