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FOUNDATION Digital Systems Activity Pack | Technology Devices | Aus V9 Aligned

CDCreated by CatherineCreated by Catherine


Year levels

Resource Type


Need some activities to introduce Digital Systems to your students? This Australian Curriculum V9 aligned start up activity pack is here to help!

I've previously used these as pre & post tests to collect student assessment data, providing me with additional information when it came to reporting time! They are great to get a quick reading on your student's understanding of digital systems.

Includes 6 Black & White Activity Sheets:

  • Digital System Hunt - Find & Colour (students hunt for digital systems and colour them in - there are 10 to find!)
  • Digital System Hunt - Looking for Treasure (Students help the pirate to the treasure by cutting and pasting digital systems on the path)
  • Sort & Stick V1 (Students cut out the digital systems and paste them next to the correct label)
  • Sort & Stick V2 (Students cut out the digital systems and paste them into the 'digital systems' box. Students cut out the remaining objects and paste them in the 'other' box)
  • My 1st Technology Lesson - Trace & Draw (Students draw a picture of themselves participating in their first technology lesson, then trace and write the sentence underneath)
  • Digital Systems & Me - Trace & Draw (Students draw a picture of themselves using a digital system, then trace and write the sentence underneath) There are two versions of this sheet, one with the word 'technology' and one without.

Australian Curriculum V9 Links FOUNDATION

  • recognise and explore digital systems (hardware and software) for a purpose
  • recognising digital systems that they interact with at home and school, for example smartphone, laptop or programmable toy

This resource is a Printable PDF File


Curriculum alignment details

This resource is intended for the following use:


 Australian Curriculum

Content Descriptors:

AC9TDIFK01: Recognise and explore digital systems (hardware and software) for a purpose

Further context or application:

Not specified


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