FOUNDATION Digital Systems Bingo Boards | Technology Devices | Aus V9 Aligned
Want a fun way to introduce Digital Systems to your students? These Australian Curriculum V9 Aligned Bingo Boards are the perfect answer! They're fun, engaging and educational.
- 26 Different Colour Bingo Boards
- 15 Digital Systems Cards (for teacher use)
- Australian Curriculum V9 Links
- 'How to Use This Resource' Page
26 Different Colour Bingo Boards
- Each board contains a variation of 15 digital systems in different locations on the board
- 3x3 layout for easy use with Foundation students
- Print & laminate for a longer lasting classroom set
- Send home with students for further practise
15 Digital Systems Cards
- 1 page containing 15 digital systems cards to be used by the teacher
- Print, laminate and slice to create a teacher set
- Flip one card over at a time and call out the pictured digital system
Australian Curriculum V9 Links
- recognise and explore digital systems (hardware and software) for a purpose
- recognising digital systems that they interact with at home and school, for example smartphone, laptop or programmable toy
- File types1 PDF
- Curriculum alignment
Curriculum alignment details
This resource is intended for the following use:
Australian CurriculumContent Descriptors:
AC9TDIFK01: Recognise and explore digital systems (hardware and software) for a purposeFurther context or application:
Not specified
FOUNDATION Digital Systems Bingo Boards | Technology Devices | Aus V9 Aligned
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