Where am I? Australian Animal Classroom Display for Foundation - Year 6
Do you have a busy classroom with students coming and going? Make keeping track of students easy and prioritise student safety with the Where Am I? Classroom Display. Created with calming Australian Animal clipart that matches the Australian Animal classroom decor, this display is ideal for all aged students, saving you time and money without having to update your classroom decor each year.
How to use the Where am I ? Classroom Display
I print the signs to A4 paper. I display these as headings. You may also choose to reduce the size by printing 2 per A4 page. Then edit the student name labels with your students name. Print (and if you prefer laminate) the resources.
Display in the room.
When students move from the room then they reposition their name tag. This way at any time, at a glance, you can account for all of your students. Perfect for when leadership walks into your classroom!
The Where am I? classroom display is great for
✅ Attendance - Who is at School? Who is absent?
✅ Toilets - when students leave they move their name
✅ Intervention - for students who have been withdrawn
✅ Fire Drill/ Lockdowns - know where each student is quickly!
The Where am I classroom Poster Display includes
- 10 premade signs including Where am I, Absent today, I am here, Toilets, Gym, Office, Library and Intervention
- 1 editable slide which is text free so you can add your own signs.
This editable slide also allows you to create signs for this pack in your own State Specific font (Aussie Teachers)
This resource is a Powerpoint file. You will need to have Microsoft Powerpoint installed on your computer to open and edit this file. Only the blank slides are editable. The images of the animals are not editable.
How do I edit this resource?
Created in Powerpoint this file is simple to edit. Just click in the text boxes and add the names of your class and students. This way you can use the font for your state (Aussie Teachers) or your preferred font.
Thanks for considering this resource for your classroom! Any questions please ask before purchasing.
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Terms of Use
Copyright © Monday Morning Resources, 2024. All rights reserved by author. This product is to be used by the original downloader only. Copying for more than one teacher, classroom, department, school, or school system is prohibited. During the COVID-19 pandemic this product may be distributed or displayed digitally for your class students and their families. Failure to comply is a copyright infringement and a violation of the Digital Millennium Copyright Act (DMCA). Clipart and elements found in this PDF are copyrighted and cannot be extracted and used outside of this file without permission or license. Intended for classroom and personal use ONLY.
- File types1 PowerPoint Presentation
- Page count16
- Key themes
Where am I? Australian Animal Classroom Display for Foundation - Year 6
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