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Australian Animal Morning Slides & Classroom Daily Agenda PowerPoint Templates - Foundation - Year 6

Michelle BCreated by MichelleCreated by Michelle



Reduce the overwhelm of busy mornings and create a clear classroom message for your students with these cute Australian Animal Classroom Agenda and Morning Work Powerpoint Slides. These Powerpoint slides make outlining the daily agenda or lesson sequence quick and easy for busy teachers. Kids love the calming theme making it suitable for students fromFoundation to Year 6!

What is included?

These Australian Animal themed Editable Classroom Agenda and Morning Work Templates have been created in Powerpoint for easy use by teachers.

This resources contains 120 ready to use slides - simply add your information! The slides are divided into 3 different background designs with two layout slides for each design.

Background options

- White with eucalyptus leaves

- Smaller eucalyptus leave background

- Plain white background - for teachers who require slides with less visual distraction for students.

Heading options

The slides are customised even further to have 3 options for each design layout

- Good Morning

-Good Afternoon

- Welcome to class.


In addtion to the above an Editable TEXT FREE version is included. This is perfect for teachers who do not want slides with the above headings included. This version has an additional text box included so you can create your own heading. On this version ALL text is editable as it is added by you the purchaser.

What is editable and customisable on the slides?

On every slide the text boxes provided are editable. One version of slides comes without a heading. On the other slides the headings and font is not editable.

The clip art and background colours on the slides are not editable. The positioning of the animals on the slide is also not editable. This is to comply with clipart terms of use.

How to edit these Powerpoint slides?

To edit the Powerpoint slides with your own information you need Microsoft Powerpoint installed on your computer. Simply open the file and click in the pre-set text boxes. You simply type in the text that you need and you can adjust the font by selecting a font installed on your computer.

Do you have younger students and want to use images? Simply remove the text boxes and insert your images to use on the slides.

Thanks for considering this resource for your classroom! Any questions please ask before purchasing.

Download these now and make time for a morning coffee!

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Terms of Use

Copyright © Monday Morning Resources, 2020. All rights reserved by author. This product is to be used by the original downloader only. Copying for more than one teacher, classroom, department, school, or school system is prohibited. During the COVID-19 pandemic this product may be distributed or displayed digitally for your class students and their families. Failure to comply is a copyright infringement and a violation of the Digital Millennium Copyright Act (DMCA). Clipart and elements found in this PDF are copyrighted and cannot be extracted and used outside of this file without permission or license. Intended for classroom and personal use ONLY.



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