Reward Coupons
Reward Coupons - Setting up a positive reward system with Coupons and Raffle Tickets is the way to get the best out of your students. You will be amazed at how well this will motivate and energize your learning space.
This Coupon Pack (with Raffle Tickets) contains the following coupons in colour and in black and white. The black and white version can be copied onto coloured card or paper. See the photos on the next page. I do laminate the coupons.
- Comedy Gig- tell a joke, riddle or knock knock each day for a week.
- Desk Swap Gig - swap desks for a day
- Drawing Gig – draw for an hour
- Friend Gig – lunch with a friend
- Game Gig – play a game for half an hour
- Homework Gig – no homework for a week
- Kinetic Gig – Kinetic sand for an hour
- Letter Gig – a positive note home
- Music Gig – listen to your music for an hour
- Reading Gig – read a book of your choice
- Seating Gig – sit away from your desk for a day
- Share Gig – tell or share something
- Sock Gig – take your shoes off for the day
- Sport Gig – run a game for the grade
- Stationery Gig - use the special container of pens, pencils
- Teacher Gig – eat with the teacher
- Teacher Day Gig – run the room with the teacher
- Toy Gig – a special toy for the day
- Treasure Gig – something from the treasure box
- Writing Gig – writing of your choice
How I use Reward Coupons -
- I have used coupons for four years and would not go back to any other management tool.
- There are two ways I have used them.
- The first method; notice when a student is doing the right thing and allow them to choose a coupon. They can then decide when they use it.
- The second method; is when I see a student showing the values on the raffle tickets they get a raffle ticket. At the end of each week, I draw out between 10-20 raffle tickets. Some students hold onto the Raffle Tickets and choose not to go in the draw. When they get their name drawn out they swap it for a coupon.
- I do not laminate the Raffle Tickets as the students write their names on the back for the drawing out on Friday. I do laminate the coupons.
- Both ways have been effective in my room.
Please read the description and then download the preview before purchasing. The preview shows you what is included in this pack.
COPYRIGHT ©Paula’s Place
This product is for personal use in one classroom only. To share or use in multiple classrooms, please purchase additional licenses. This product cannot be shared or distributed without consent from the author.
- File types1 PDF
- Page count68
Reward Coupons
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