This simple game will help consolidate the CVC letter pattern with short vowels. The first five games are restricted to the short vowel sounds separately. These games target phonemic development (common letter sounds and blending CVC).
The next three games have mixed short vowels and include high frequency regular words. Consolidation and fluency is the target skill. The remaining two games have single terminal phonemes, such as double consonants, e.g., hill. These are more appropriate for general consolidation and will contribute to fluency for all ability levels.
There are 25 words on each board. My years of teaching taught me the value of gradual and incremental skill development. My games reflect this belief, especially for those students who need support. This approach is inclusive and flexible when you need it. Otherwise, just use the boards that suit your current situation.
The words I have used are:
Board 1 (Short a): has, rat, bad, yap, can, tan, bat, dad, sat, fat, wag, man, hat, lad, jag, gag, tap, ham, sad, bag, had, rap, vat, pat, mat
Board 2 (Short e): net, ten, pen, red, let, yes, bet, den, pet, fed, web, jet, hem, led, bed, leg, pep, hen, get, beg, wet, gem, set,, peg, men
Board 3 (Short i): bit, pin, him, rid, sit, din, fig, dig, pit, fin, win, jig, his, lip, big, lit, pig, rib, rip, bib, zip, fib, wig, kit, bin
Board 4 (Short o): pot, got, dog, dot, tom, pop, fog, nod, top, pod, rod, jog, hot, bog, log, bob, hop, cop, cot, tot, not, nob, mop, lot, mob
Board 5 (Short u): gut, but, bun, gun, tub, rub, bug, mug, tug, mud, nut, cub, hut, cut, dug, pup, hum, cup, rut, fun, hug, jug, bud, gum, bus
Board 6 (Mixed Short Vowels): did, rat, bed, rob, cab, ten, but, dog, his, fed, wet, man, hen, lid, jug, get, tap, hot, sit, bat, him, rag, vet, not, mat
Board 7 (Mixed Short Vowels): net, bad, got, cut, set, did, hut, web, fit, van, jet, bag, kit, lot, pet, pup, rub, tin, pot, yet, get, fun, lip, mug, cap
Board 8 (Mixed Short Vowels): had, man, jog, big, can, did, top, has, log, sit, him, jab, but, bed, web, fun, bog, run, red, cut, get, dig, set, not, let
Board 9 (CVCC with Single Phoneme, Terminal Double Consonants): hill, miss, jazz, bell, kiss, mill, toll, hell, loss, sill, less, hiss, buff, cuff, fuss, muff, boss, toss, buzz, dull, mass, puff, lass, moss, tiff
Board 10 (CVCC with Single Terminal Phonemes ch, ck, ng, sh, th): ring, moth, jack, bash, math, much, tick, posh, sash, dish, cash, such, rock, luck, fish, mush, hack, mesh, duck, lung, rich, dash, lock, hang
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- Page count10 pages
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