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Place Value Donut Craft

Paula SCreated by PaulaCreated by Paula


Year levels


Resource Type


Welcome to the donut shop where you put the sprinkles on and tell us the value using two, three, digit numbers.

  • This is differentiated to cater for 2-3-4 digits.

  • Choose the black and white version (this can be copied onto coloured card) or copy the coloured versions.

  • Roll a dice and make a number according to the donut you have 2-3-4 digits.

  • Write the number in expanded form and then spell the number.

  • There is an additional page to look at ways to explore the number.

  • These make a great display.

  • This file is not editable.


COPYRIGHT ©Paula’s Place

This product is for personal use in one classroom only. To share or use in multiple classrooms, please purchase additional licenses. This product may not be shared or distributed without consent from the author.


  • File types1 PDF
  • Page count35

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