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Bev and Kev - Reading​,​ Writing and Craft

Paula SCreated by PaulaCreated by Paula


Year levels

Resource Type


Bev and Kev Writing and Craft - Bev and Kev is a picture storybook about two unlikely friends. This resource will explore friendships and some African animals while looking at responses to the text. This book was nominated for Best Early Childhood Book for Book Week.

Friendship tasks include:

  • KWHL
  • Posters
  • Sentence starters
  • Venn Diagrams
  • Templates for drawing friends.

Pre Reading Tasks:

  • Predictions 3 templates to choose from
  • Flap book for predictions
  • Writing Descriptive and Informational Texts – space to brainstorm the animals from the text
  • This requires independent research on giraffes, okapis, warthogs, monkeys, birds, meerkats, elephants and zebras.

Text planners:

  • Informational and Descriptive Texts with rubrics and lined papers.

Summarising Tasks:

  • Beginning/middle/end x3 formats
  • Somebody-wanted-but-so-then
  • First-next-then-after that-last or finally

Book Reports:

  • Two formats to choose from


  • Make Bev the Giraffe using our templates

Why we should support National Simultaneous Storytime

  • Bev and Kev Writing and Craft is a great way to engage in a book and support the National Simultaneous Storytime
  • National Simultaneous Storytime is a fantastic way to spark a love of reading in the classroom while building literacy skills engagingly and interactively.
  • This annual event brings students together across Australia to enjoy the same book at the same time, creating a shared literary experience that promotes reading confidence.
  • By incorporating themed activities, discussions, and creative storytelling exercises, teachers can make the story come alive and deepen students’ understanding.
  • Plus, participation encourages a sense of community and excitement around books, making reading a fun and social activity.
  • Don’t miss this opportunity to inspire young readers and foster a lifelong passion for stories!


COPYRIGHT ©Paula’s Place Teaching Resources

This product is for personal use in one classroom only. To share or use it in multiple classrooms, please purchase additional licenses. It may not be shared or distributed without the author's consent.


  • File types1 PDF
  • Page count62

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