DIPHTHONGS au aw oi oy ou ow - SWITCHEROO Card Game - 4 Sets - HALLOWEEN THEME
This is the fun way to consolidate the diphthongs au, aw, oi, oy, au and aw. There are four sets with 54 cards in each set.
I have often adapted this game to target particular skills and I find it appeals to students who like the element of strategy. It will provide the level of high engagement that will lead to mastery the more they play. It is similar to UNO with players matching words with the same diphthong. Players need to say the word on the card as they play it.
You can play with the sets intact or mix them up to target skill sets. There is a discreet labelling system on each card to allow you to reconstitute the sets if need be.
au: pause, august, cause, haul, launch, audio, Paul, faun, laundry, autumn, caution, because, author, haunt, sauce, daub, applaud, audience, maul, astronaut, gauze
aw: paw, crawl, saw, lawn, hawk, claw, prawn, jaw, awful, straw, dawn, thaw, yawn, bowl, sprawl, raw, law, shawl, sawn, trawl, caw, drawer
oi: boil, oil, join, voice, coin, choice, noise, joint, point, avoid, spoil, oink, hoist, foil, moist, poison, toilet
oy: toy, joy, boy, enjoy, royal, annoy, voyage, soy, coy, hoy, oyster, decoy, destroy, cowboy
ou: mouth, house, foul, spout, out, bounce, ouch, south, mound, bound, mouse, pouch, cloud, our, couch, pounce, sound, scout, loud, proud, snout, clout, hour, round, lounge, slouch, pound, count, grouch, found, around, about, flour, ground, about, sour, pouch, without, mount
ow: how, down, drown, clown, town, crown, cow, brown, shower, brow, wow, owl, crowd, frown, towel, flower, prowl, scowl, now, gown, fowl, tower, howl, power, growl, allow, bow, powder, cowboy
The game has a Halloween theme.
- File types1 PDF
- Page count24 pages
- Curriculum alignment
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DIPHTHONGS au aw oi oy ou ow - SWITCHEROO Card Game - 4 Sets - HALLOWEEN THEME
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