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NSW Maths Stage 3 I Year A I Year 5 I Term 3 I Unit 12

Curriculum Corner KCreated by Curriculum CornerCreated by Curriculum Corner


Year levels


Powerpoint of the NSW Mathematics Stage 3 - Year A – Unit 12 : Understanding relationships between the properties of 2D shapes helps visualise and organise spaces in the world. Everything you need to teach the 8 lesson unit.

Not got PowerPoint available to you? Please message me if you would like a link to a Google slide version.

This fully editable slideshow has been designed with the students and teacher in mind. Clear transitions and worked examples create an easy to use resource. Each slide includes an icon to inform whether it is a teacher demo, think-pair-share, turn and talk, mini whiteboard, choral response or work book task. Slides are clear and simple to reduce cognitive load with images and colour palate intentionally kept to a minimum.

Any additional information (assessment opportunities, support) and resources (student worksheets) can be printed directly from the New South Wales Department of Education website.


Curriculum alignment details

This resource is intended for the following use:


 New South Wales

Content Descriptors:

Not specified

Further context or application:

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