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PLACE VALUE Game - Hundreds​/​Tens​/​Ones - SUPERHERO

Robyn WCreated by RobynCreated by Robyn


Year levels


Resource Type


Place Value is lots of fun when you play SUPERHERO. The game consolidates the sequence of place value names but it also targets number order and thinking skills, quite a punch for such a simple game.

Each player has a Place Value Mat. The dealer decides if the winner will have the lowest or highest number before play starts. Players are dealt one number card at a time and, once placed, the card cannot be moved. There's luck, but there's also strategy. Each deal results in a winner and that player takes a Superhero card. Play continues with each winner taking a Superhero card until one player picks a matching card to one they already have.


Curriculum alignment details

This resource is intended for the following use:


 Australian Curriculum

Content Descriptors:

AC9M2N01: Recognise​,​ represent and order numbers to at least 1000 using physical and virtual materials​,​ numerals and number lines

Further context or application:

This game adds lots of fun to consolidating concepts of number order.

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