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Hello, I'm Sally.

Hello I am Sally, And hello to everyone wishing to make a positive difference in a child’s life. To me time is precious, where treasured moments are to be savoured and so there is no time like; together, inspiring, motivating and empowering one another. Making a calming difference in my life is making positive patterns of resilience within my classroom. I am conscious of the overwhelm of current information circulating around coping with the continued, not going away, impact of lock-down trauma on education. So, my aim is to be share simple one-page resources that provide an adaptive uplifting approach to maintaining classroom management, student success and of course teacher well-being. The Care Curriculum is founded on the main language of children to engage and captivate their attention of wanting to connect, move and play. The principles underpinning the behaviour navigating practices are developed from over 30 year’s experience as a teacher in the ‘new normal’ and a parent roller coaster ride. I have a Master’s in Education Counselling, Teacher Librarian Degree, and I am a Qualified Children’s Yoga Therapy teacher. Leanings, research and insights from my life interests to search for answers to support my children and students, led me to create numerous resources designed to support trauma informed strength-based & social-emotional teaching practices. These include my successful 4 Step Process to Calm and a MeTime restorative conversation Process. I received favourable encouragement from colleagues, and they wondered why these approaches are not taught at the university level to better prepare both present and future educators. If this helps one teacher to shift their day, week, month to a happier healthier place, even for one moment than I have made a difference. Wishing to be make a positive change, Sally