What Size is Your Problem? | Draw and Write SEL activity | Catastrophe Scale lesson
Are your students constantly coming to you with 'problems' that don't quite match their over-the-top reactions? Whether it's an empty drink bottle, a broken pencil or an untied shoelace, young children often have trouble discerning the difference between 'big problems' and 'small problems'. Use this Draw & Write activity to springboard conversations about what problems warrant a big or small reaction.
Included in this resource are three differentiated black and white sheets that allow students to think of their own 'small problem' and 'big problem', then draw and write about them.
- Option 1: Draw a picture in the boxes using the headings 'Small Problem' and 'Big Problem'
- Option 2: Draw a picture, with a space for the student or teacher to write a few words to describe each problem
- Option 3: Draw a picture, with a sentence starter 'My small problem is....' and 'My big problem is...' for students to write a longer sentence about their problems.
This resource pairs perfectly with Pevan & Sarah's new music video, 'What Size is Your Problem?'. Sign up to Cub Club to access the video, along with this resource and hundreds of other educational videos, songs and printables, made for teachers, by teachers.
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- File types1Ā PDF
- Page count3 pages
- Curriculum alignment
- Learning needs
- Teaching method/strategy
Curriculum alignment details
This resource is intended for the following use:
Ā Australian CurriculumContent Descriptors:
AC9HP4P01: Investigate how successā,ā challengeā,ā setbacks and failure strengthen resilience and identities in a range of contextsAC9HPFP02: Practise personal and social skills to interact respectfully with othersAC9HPFP03: Express and describe emotions they experienceAC9HP4P06: Explain how and why emotional responses can vary and practise strategies to manage their emotionsAC9HP2P03: Identify how different situations influence emotional responsesFurther context or application:
Not specified
What Size is Your Problem? | Draw and Write SEL activity | Catastrophe Scale lesson
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