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Fractions of a Collection - 5 DONKEY Card Games - Halves to Twelfths plus Multiples

Robyn WCreated by RobynCreated by Robyn


Year levels


Resource Type


Fractions are fun for everyone when games like this are included.

There are five sets of cards in this product:

Set 1 - half, quarter and eighth (quarter is represented numerically)

Collection is already counted - ideal as a starting activity to reinforce the

strategy taught without the preliminary necessity to count the collection as well.

Set 2 - as Set 1 but collection is not counted

Set 3 - third, sixth, ninth and twelfth

Set 4 - fifth and tenth

Set 5 - multiples of fractions

+ Directions

+ A4 size Times Tables Poster

The picture cards show collections to 24. Each set has approximately 45 cards.

Set 1 is my teaching set.

Step 1 - Count the Collection - reconcile against the number shown

Step 2 - Divide the Collection

Step 3 - Match the answer to the card

You can use a wipe-off crayon like I do and use the strategy for dividing as sharing. I explain this strategy in my fraction programs.

The five sets can be played individually or combined according to the ability of players. I use them in RTI as they provide the 'bridge' between concrete materials and abstract concepts. All cards are interchangeable so you can mix them to suit your learners.


Curriculum alignment details

This resource is intended for the following use:


 Australian Curriculum

Content Descriptors:

Not specified

Further context or application:

Not specified


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