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Hard c​/​Soft c Game - STACK 4 - 3 Sets (150 Words​/​Flash Cards) to Target Fluency

Robyn WCreated by RobynCreated by Robyn


Year levels

Resource Type


There are rules that help learn the correct use of hard and soft 'c', but not all students will apply them whilst decoding. (Words like arc , soccer or muscle don't help.) Students need to recognise the tricky words by sight and a game like this will improve fluency for all ability levels as the word patterns become more familiar through repeated play.

The boards are differentiated so you can cater for a wide range of ability as intervention, consolidation or review. Each game can be used as a worksheet with a whole class in pairs. Each pair needs a six-sided die and pencils. Alternatively, laminate the three boards and use them in a centre.

Players throw the die, choose a word from that column to say and try to get four words in a column with no spaces between them to win. There is a strategic element to the game as the opposing player tries to block. The addition of a MISS a TURN column adds interest and a component of luck for fun and motivation.

Board 1 (All one syllable. Suits lower grades and intervention):- race, cost, cube, fact, face, dice, camp, creep, mice, cell, act, cent scan, price, come, clam, scum, cream, crash, trace, space, chance, place, price, cake, slice, crab, scab, ace, click, crack, clean, force, nice, juice, ice, close, cute, catch, cut, dance, fence, since, code, scar, card, cold, came, once, pace

Board 2 (Multisyllabic and less common words):- cancel, decent, recent, circus, accident, rescue, recess, circle, bicycle, because, concern, carry, proceed, process, cease, acid, civilian, escape, concert, closer, scalp, perfect, police, peace, sentence, sauce, dancer, replace, inspect, expect, fiction, fraction, pencil, device, fancy, became, succeed, become, crazy, cancer, panic, practice, city, classic, comic, discuss, tonic, recite, reduce, clock

Board 3 ( Extension or review):- success, secrecy, society, exciting, acceptance, octopus, decimal, sacrifice, cylinder grocer, exactly, medicine, cabinet, correct, circuit, preface, sincerely, collector, cereal, connect, calculator, concrete, precipice, service, tactic, consequence, princess, fantastic, entrance, gigantic, telescope, sequence, cricket, jockey, receive, deception, conceal, concentrate, distance, delicate, reception, scooter, percent, recovery, recipe, decision, frantic century, bicycle, cinema


Curriculum alignment details

This resource is intended for the following use:


 Australian Curriculum

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