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CCVCC Card Game - SPOONS - 54 CCVCC Words (3 Sets) - Designed for DIFFERENTIATION

Robyn WCreated by RobynCreated by Robyn


Year levels

Resource Type


Your students will be begging to play this game because it is so much fun. Every time they play they are blending and gaining fluency with words that contain the letter pattern CCVCC. The game is designed for all ability levels with illustrated cards to scaffold reading. It doubles as an intervention tool for those students who need this level of support before playing. This makes it an all-ability game, perfect for small groups when consolidating or reviewing this skill.

There are three games included. Each game has 9 matching sets: a Base Card (e.g., ump and two matching cards that are illustrated: stump and clump. The aim of the game is to get a set through play, and the fun starts when spoons start going missing.

You can delete a set or mix and match. There is a discreet labelling system that facilitates reconstituting the games if needs be.


Curriculum alignment details

This resource is intended for the following use:


 Australian Curriculum

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Not specified

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