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Chinese New Year Craft and Graphing

Paula SCreated by PaulaCreated by Paula


Year levels

Resource Type


Chinese New Year Craft and Graphing pack supports you in graphing the year that your students were born into according to the Chinese Zodiac. Build a dragon and match the animals on the zodiac to their name and number.

The Ram is used in some parts of the world as one of the zodiacs.

There are options to print for sheep or a goat at the end of the pack as some countries use these instead.

  • The Chinese refer to goats and sheep.
  • In English, it is based on a horned animal.
  • In Vietnam, it is a goat. In Japan - sheep; in Korea and Mongolia the sign can be sheep or ram.

This pack contains -

  • Printing options for full colour and save your ink, and some tasks have black/white versions.
  • There are a series of posters to display. These provide information for discussion.
  • Matching task – match the ordinal, and name the picture of the animal from the zodiac.
  • Graphing task – use a sample group across your school as your grade will be only two or four animals on the Chinese New Year Zodiac.
  • Craft task - Make your dragon, photos are provided to show you what to do.

Using our Chinese New Year Craft and Graphing templates will create a fun series of learning tasks.

First, read the product description; next, download the preview to ensure it meets your needs before purchasing. The preview shows you what is included in this pack.


COPYRIGHT ©Paula’s Place

This product is for personal use in one classroom only. To share or use in multiple classrooms, please purchase additional licenses. Do not share or distribute this product without the author's consent.


  • File types1 PDF
  • Page count117

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