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CVCC I Can Read & Write

Polly JCreated by PollyCreated by Polly


Year levels


Resource Type


An engaging pack of CVCC reading and writing activities to support learners in your classroom with decoding and encoding. Students read the CVCC words, match them to the picture and rewrite them for additional practice. SOR aligned.

Perfect for small groups, literacy rotations, morning and independent work. NO PREP required to save you time. Suitable for K-2.

A perfect follow on partner to my CVC bundle. Your students will love it!

What' s included

6 pages of interactive CVCC reading and writing activities with 30 different CVCC words.


Curriculum alignment details

This resource is intended for the following use:


 Australian Curriculum

Content Descriptors:

AC9EFLY04: Read decodable and authentic texts using developing phonic knowledge​,​ and monitor meaning using context and emerging grammatical knowledgeAC9EFLY13: Use knowledge of letters and sounds to spell words

Further context or application:


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