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NUMERAL EXPANDERS Hundreds-Tens-Ones & Thousands-Hundreds-Tens-Ones

Robyn WCreated by RobynCreated by Robyn


Year levels


Resource Type


I made numeral expanders a long time ago and they were a regular part of teaching place value concepts, particularly renaming.

There are three expanders on the hundreds page. I start with laminating then cut out, then fold and hold them like that with a big clip overnight. But you can fold first, then laminate as others have suggested.

I honestly wish every classroom had these because I see how they help and I worry that the current syllabus does not have enough emphasis on establishing sound place value concepts early on. Renaming twenty ones as two tens or fifty tens as five hundred is an important step in our number system and these expanders go a long way to explaining that relationship.


Curriculum alignment details

This resource is intended for the following use:


 Australian Curriculum

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