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Place Value to 2 digits

Paula SCreated by PaulaCreated by Paula


Year levels


Resource Type


Use our two digit place value pack to find out which animal has the largest score! Read, make, order and record numbers to show what you know about place value.

Learning Centers include -

  • Number of the Day
  • Number card sets
  • Who has the highest and lowest score?
  • Sorting smallest to largest
  • Before and After
  • Which one is the smallest and largest?
  • Show that number in tens and ones
  • Show using Base 10 Blocks
  • Save your ink section that includes all the above tasks in black and white


COPYRIGHT ©Paula’s Place

This product is for personal use in one classroom only. To share or use in multiple classrooms, please purchase additional licenses. This product may not be shared or distributed without consent from the author.


Curriculum alignment details

This resource is intended for the following use:


 Australian Curriculum

Content Descriptors:

Not specified

Further context or application:

Not specified


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