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Student Wellbeing | Kindness Activity Pack | Lessons and Printable Worksheets!

Kailen LCreated by KailenCreated by Kailen



Resource Type


Looking to teach the importance of kindness to your students? 

Then this activity pack is perfect for your classroom! 


  • Perfect activity for the first day or first week back at school.
  • Also a great lesson block to remind students why kindness is important. 
  • Over 7 lesson ideas. 
  • Lesson Plans or explanations for some of the lessons.
  • Ready to print and go. 
  • 30+ pages of content included in the pack (lesson plans, activity ideas and printable worksheets)
  • Easily differentiate for your classes ability levels with different worksheets available! 

Want more back to school activities? The Kindness activity pack is also available in my back to school pack! 

Don't forget to check out my other student and teacher wellbeing resources at @calmclassroomcreations 



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