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Time Bingo - Quarter To & Quarter Past

Lauren WCreated by LaurenCreated by Lauren


Year levels


Resource Type


This bingo game is the perfect way to have your students practise reading both digital and analogue time - both quarter to and quarter past the hour. This pack includes 10 bingo boards.

To play, children take turns being the 'caller', reading the digital times on the cards. Players cover the matching analogue clocks on their board. The first to cover 3 in a row calls 'BINGO!' and is the winner.

Easy to prepare (simply print & laminate if desired) this fun game is perfect for math small groups or centers, intervention work, or as a 'Fast Finisher' task.

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Curriculum alignment details

This resource is intended for the following use:


 Australian Curriculum

Content Descriptors:

ACMMG039: Tell time to the quarter-hour​,​ using the language of 'past' and 'to'AC9M2M04: Recognise and read the time represented on an analog clock to the hour​,​ half-hour and quarter-hour

Further context or application:

Not specified


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