Vowel Digraphs SORT IT Activity - 221 Words "When two vowels go walking the first does the talking."
Year levels
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I developed this extended set of SORT ITS because I had students with such a diverse range of needs. Some simply needed phonemics; others needed vocabulary development as well. You will easily cater for intervention, consolidation or extension with this extended set. Some words are used twice if they have two meanings.
There are four formats:
- 1 Picture and Word(Century Gothic font) - phoneme in red
- 2 Picture and Word with missing vowels
- 3 Picture only
- 4 Word Only (Comic Sans font)
Because my focus is intervention and my students are usually older I do something like this:
- Match the Picture Only and the Word Only cards (use a peg or paper slide)
- Write the complete word from the Missing Vowels card
- Sort the Picture Only cards to target skill sets (when phonemic development is needed)
- Write the word from the Picture Only card - provide a blank piece of paper
ai - 36 words - sail, tail, mail, fail, pail, quail, snail, trail, rail, rail, wail, jail, hail, nail, nail, frail, rain, brain, stain, train, pain, grain, vain, drain, strain, chain, paint, faint, aim, bait, wait, maid, paid, laid, braid, waist
ea - 45 words - reach, beach, peach, teach, seal, meal, heal, deal, peal, steal, speak, beak, weak, squeak, streak, peak, leak, bead, read, lead, dream, team, cream, scream, seam, steam, heat, pleat, neat, beat, seat, cheat, wheat, meat, clean, lean, bean, jeans, east, beast, sea, peas, tea, flea, leaf
ee - 63 words - heel, heel, feel, wheel, steel, peel, kneel, reel, feet, sweet, beet, meet, sheet, street, greet, sleet, fleet, teeth, steep, sweep, sleep, weep, deep, keep, cheep, sheep, creep, screen, seen green, queen, between, thirteen, speech, screech, leech, beech, beef, reef, sneeze, freeze, squeeze, breeze, bee, three, knee, tee, fee, free, see, tree, seek, week, peek, cheek, speed, weed, feed, bleed, reed, seed, greed, eel
ie - 18 words - died, tie, pie, flies, die, cries, pies, tries, fries, ties, spied, frier, spies, lie, tied, dries, dried, flies
oa - 36 words - foam, loam, roam, load, load, toad, road, goad, upload, oats, coat, goat, boat, moat, throat, float, oak, cloak, soak, croak, coach, coach, roach, loan, moan, groan, coal, goal, foal, toast, roast, coast, boast, soap, loaf, oath
ue & ui - 23 words - clue, glue, argue, tissue, cue, blue, statue, barbecue, rescue, fuel, duel, cruel, true, value, issue, flue, suit, cruise, recruit, bruise, juice, fruit, suitcase
I have made little Post Boxes for sorting as the novelty appeals to the younger students in particular. These are the students still developing phonemic awareness of individual sounds. Without the word they have to rely on the sound. It's a very good way to help them discriminate between vowel sounds. There is a multi-sensory dimension to the activity when their hands, eyes and ears are working together.
There are seven A4 size posters included for individual support or classroom display. I have added the I HAVE WHO HAS focussing activity because it is fun and will contribute to fluency. There are 36 cards so you can cater for a big class and some students will end up with two cards. It is designed to be circular, so you start at any card with students sitting or standing, then go around twice with them back to their original position. Some students will stand and sit twice.
The GO FISH game is included because it is simple and lots of fun. One card in each pair is illustrated. It can double as an intervention tool if you need to use it that way.
- File types1 Zip file
- Page count118 pages
- Curriculum alignment
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Vowel Digraphs SORT IT Activity - 221 Words "When two vowels go walking the first does the talking."
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