Book Title Pages - Primary Activity
Year levels
Resource Type
Get ready for the new year!
School workbook title pages that were designed as an activity for students to do when they start the new school year but also for organisation for teachers.
There is a range of title pages with multiple subject pages covering the range of subjects taught in Australia primary schools.
- English, Maths, Writing, Art, PDHPE, Geography, History, Science, Handwriting, Music, Spelling and Wellbeing.
There are multiple sizes available - A3, A4 and A5. You will have access to all the files.
- File types3 PDF
- Page count11
- Curriculum alignment
Curriculum alignment details
This resource is intended for the following use:
Australian CurriculumContent Descriptors:
Not specified
Further context or application:
Not specified
Book Title Pages - Primary Activity
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